Sunday, January 20, 2013

Happy New Year!

To all of the 2012 Survivors:  Happy New Year! Can you believe it 2013 already! We ade it! 


I want to apologize for not posting for a while, but The Hobbit: An unexpected Journey had ALL of my attention. :P 

Lets close 2012 by me sharing with you a short recap of the rest of my plans for the last couple of weeks of the year (see post titled FUN for more info).
The Wintersun show turned out to be a bust. I missed it due to poor planning on my part. Totally bummed out, but happy that the band is doing so well. Hopefully  that means they'll come back soon!

Good thing the Hobbit was two days after the Wintersun show.It trully was a  pretty awesome movie. There were a few differences from the book, but it was translated pretty well over all. The Dwarves were awesome. Specially the women Dwarves, they had facial hair as they were supposed to. Totally great! I've seen the movie about 5 times now! I cant wait for the next two!
I also did end up going to Wiscon for Xmas with my bf and his family. It was pretty fun. We watched the wedding singer on the way there and I knocked out. When I woke up we were already in Wisconsin. It was pretty cool because they had just finished having a snow storm and there was snow everywhere. Great grub and cool company, both on Xmas eve and Xmas day! 
This Xmas was  particularly good in the gift department. I only asked for one thing  i didn't think i was actually going to get. I asked for the special box set celebrating 20 years of Quentin Tarantino which included 8 of his movies ( not excluding True Romance). I was excited to  actually find that under the tree. I also was gifted some elf make up, jewelry, an Exodus shirt, a Blind Guardian Shirt, a really cool Dwarf shirt with only their facial hair ( it also includes Gandalf and Bolbo), The key to Erebor as a keychain,Dance Dance Revolution, and a new bed and mattress. Pretty good Christmas over all.   Hope your holidays were just as awesome.

Now as to keep with the tradition of having new years resolutions I'm going to write down just a couple of mine.*Actually use the New Gym membership I bought
* Be healthy/happy
*save money better
* blog more often :D
* Do well in school
**** Keep Organized!*****
Lets see how well I actually do with keeping these goal! Ill keep you poster :D
I am also wondering if you guys have any New year resolutions ?Or Do you advice on how I can stick to my resolutions?
I would love to hear them, so please comment!

Good luck!

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